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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Reflective Essay

   At my first impression,doing all of this is hard for me to do because aside from the fact that we don't have any computers at home, I also have a hard time typing words in the keyboard quickly.And exactly! I really had a hard time doing all of this and even though I'm already third year it takes a lot of time for me to finish this all. I'm so tired doing this, most especially my hands and my eyes because i'm not used to do this all.But thank God I've done it and i'm actually proud of my self  because i've done something for an experience,an experience that might lead to future cause.

What Christmas Means To Me


      Every year, we believe that on the 25th of December, Christ was born that’s why there’s a word Christmas, for praising and to give thanks to all the blessings and gift from God.
     Teenagers,adults,senior citizens,and most especially children are so excited to celebrate Christmas with their love ones.Giving,to forgive and to forget,these are some of the words that describe the true spirit of Christmas. "Jesus Christ is the key,the way, and the life.”
     Christmas is very special and important to me that even though we have nothing to prepare in our table,for me that’s ok because the essence of Christmas is not what foods are in your table but what you feel inside your heart.And what I feel inside our hearts is to go to Church and thank God for all the blessings that He has given to us despite the crisis,challenges and problems/trials that we are into now.This Christmas,what I truly want the same with my family is that I hope and pray that my father will have a normal condition because it’s almost a year and beyond that he is still suffering the pains and the hurt that is caused by the incident happened last June 12, 2009 and we as his family are more hurt because we are the one watching him suffer and cry through all the pains that he has been through.And all of these made me realize that you must treasure all the moments that you have to spend with your family because you don’t know what will happen next or in the future. I truly thank God that He gives my father a second chance to live with us and I hope that God will give my father another chance to live free to do everything with no limits and to be with us,having a normal condition.That’s all I wanted in the coming Christmas,that all of us will face 2011 with my father  and pray to be healthy and normal again.I love my father very very much.I don’t want to be like others who don’t have father anymore.I’m  not ready to let him go.I want that my father sees me growing up and learn my failures.I want that he will be proud of me. And all of you out there,love your mother and father because there’s no one else who give you love---great and big love,that all of us ever wanted.And this Christmas,love is truly in our hearts and there’s nothing more special,happy and important to us that knowing  your love ones are alive and are happy with the life God has given.Enjoy your life with your family to the fullest.
     “Merry Christmas and a prosperous Happy New Year”.Praise the Lord Jesus Christ,our savior in every day of our lives.We must also not forget that Santa Claus is not what Christmas means but to celebrate the existence and the immeasurable love of the Christ our Lord,here in the coming Christmas.       

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Changes To Progress

     Changes are for peace,unity,wealth,cleanliness and ordeliness, responsibility, understanding, love, trust, help,cooperation,courage,discipline,and faith.Self-discipline is for improvement,honesty is for development, leader to success,responsible to progress,these are the keys for the opportunities and chance to have "A Better Nation,A Better People".
      Changes have lots of definitions.there's a change for a bad cause like climate change which affects the way we do,affects our jobs,and affects our health too.But now,we will talk about the changes in myself  in order to fullfill my desires.First,I want to change the way I talk to my parents.It's not exactly that I'm angry with them.It's just that when I'm at home,I have a natural loud voice and that causes my parents to misunderstand the way I respond to them.Second,I want to stop abusing myself---eating lots of food which I don't care if it's good or not.But now,I realized,I want to take care of myself  just how I wanted to be,especially in my health,so that I can do lots of  things even more,to be healthy and to have long life,to serve God and my family and so that I have no absences in class anymore.
      The change I want in our society is to have a better surrounding.The first thing I want to change in our society is the way people acts like throwing garbages anywhere,roaming around,which isn't a good idea nowadays,cutting down trees,ignoring the needy ones,saying such annoying and bad words,quarrels,battles,running away in his/her responsibilities especially when a man hit a girl or an innocent with his fast running car,no conscience,selfishness and pre-judgement.
      Philippines is our country,our home,our native land,"Perlas ng Silangan".In our country,there are leaders,commanders,rulers,protectors,and ordinary people who really deserves to be in posession.But despite this,our country is still poor and the only thing I really wanted to change is the case of  graft and corrupt in our country.So that all of us will finally achieve the peace,wealth,and success of our country,"No To Poverty".
      Earth---is only the planet which life exits,a wonderful blue planet created by the power of God and with amazing creatures that lives and depends on the beauty and treasure of the earth.And as time goes by,some scientists said that our planet  will be much more overcrowded if there will be lots of babies born or it will have high percentage of  birth and a low percentage of death.And this is what I want to change because if this will continue,baranggays,cities,provinces,countries and as a whole,our world,will already be overpopulated.And I'm scared if this will happen because there will be much more problems to come.I also want to change how people do in our planet.We always keep on abusing the treasure and beauty of what God has created and I don't want that time will come that all of these will be damaged/destroyed or disappear until it will not be seen anymore.
      All of us must stick together to start the plans,to do the things,and to achieve the goals,for us to finally commit happiness and peace,wealth and success."Make these things happen by the power of God,nothing is impossible".

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Reaction Paper:Deconstruction of Thank You Ma'am

      Reading fancy books gives us a hope for tomorrow,for we believe that these will come to life---happy endings and happily ever after are some of the words stated to make stories a good one.But these only happens in our imaginations and never exits in true life.And it is so disappointing that the forever happiness cannot get nor feel.
      Because of the global crisis we are into now,there are such many things that comes out in our minds that either it is good or bad we have to do this for our own purpose.
      And reading the story Thank You Maám makes me feel nervous for Roger,because he stole the pocketbook of Mrs. Jones in order for him to buy a  blue suede shoes.I was expecting that Mrs. Jones will bring Roger to prison because this is commonly happened in real life.But my expectation is the opposite one.Instead of bringing Roger to prison,she lets him come to his room,had a chance to escape,let him to eat,and give him money for him to buy a blue suede shoes.And it is an unbelievable story like this because it is just an imagination  and even me,I say,I can't believe it that the one who made a mistake will be served and granted his wish.I agree with some of the statements stated in the deconstruction of Thank You Maám about the unbelievable,unexpected happenings experienced by Roger.However, I respected Mrs. Jones decision about how she managed to teach Roger a lesson in a nice and calm way.But yet again,for me, Roger's experience is just a creative imagination of the author.And if this will unexpectedly happen about Roger's experiences,I say and accept truly that this story Thank You Maám might happen in real life,because I also believe that nothing is impossible if you will just believe in the presence of God.Thank You Maám,for me,is also an inspirational life story because of what Mrs. Jones acted,decided,and the way she treated Roger,makes me hope that there are still be persons like Mrs. Jones who are present in real life.The Youth out there especially those who are bad guys will be lessened,if there is just a good teacher or adviser of opinions or facts like what Mrs. Jones did in the story Thank You Maám.I also hope that if the youth including me,will not commit or do such things like what had happened in the story.It is truly a sin to do this things.And as what everyone says that the youth is the hope of our nation.The future is in our hands.We are bringing the name of our country.
      We are the Filipino's pride.And the ending of the story Thank You Maám is also wonderful because Roger learns to do and say such wonderful word,"Thank You Maám". And everyone out there,hoping that you know how to say with your sincere heart the word "Thank You".

My Teacher,My Hero

      In the real world,when we say of heroes,they have strength,power,and the ability to save lives of a person.Everyone believes that heroes are made only for fantasies.But for me it's not.They are born and created to save millions of  futures and that's what I believe teachers do.Teachers light up my life,to carry on.
      A teacher is my hero.And that particular teacher is Ms. Calubag,my second year teacher in Values Education.For me,she is a good teacher and a better person.She knows the word of God and I truly respect her.Everytime we  have discussions,every word she says and move she does are remarkable one.She teaches me lots of things related to God,and that made me realize that everything is made because of a reason and a purpose ---a purpose that only God knows and God wants to us.I applied this lesson in my self as a guide for my daily life.Through her,my understanding of the words of God had been wider.I know that the responsibility of being teacher and as well as being a mother/daughter in their lives,is too hard for them to carry on.But they never gave up on us.Instead,they they still push through to help millions of youth in the world.And that is a true hero,willing to serve God and save lives through teaching to bring peace and to help human beings.It is not necessarily that heroes have to fly or to produce powers to destroy villains,a true hero can be seen on the principles they are fighting for,the things on what they do for us,and the sacrifices they've made to go this far only to think and to strive for our best.
      Today,what matters most is that some good things never lasts.Thank you for making me a better person now.And for the rest of the teachers I thank you them very much.Through your efforts that had been given to us---students are unforgettable,and the love that you gave will always be a memory that starts today and ends never.And I say "Teachers are truly a gift from heaven to land".  

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Our Values Today

        In the land where we step in, people is all around with different attitudes,characters,moods,actions and beliefs.But the values inside their hearts and minds neither change and touch despite the modern technology that our world have.But the real question is,where are those values that are said to be developed,enhanced,and pursued?Are there still values within each of us?
        Let's go back to the time where people respect all people around them.One example of that is my grandmother.She is seventy-four years old and she is one of the evidences that values never change.Everytime we have family bonding together,she always keep on asking  why is it that children's characters are so different from those children in the past.And I told her that maybe it is one of the disadvantages of the modern world.The hightech technologies that we are living now make us so different than before.And that is why we have many problems in terms of our living and in our environment.But the values within us has a big role of making a better people,a better surrounding and a better world.
        Values is not just a word but it determines who we are in our parents,in our sisters and brothers,in our classmates and teachers,in the people and in God.It is part of our daily lives.Values is essential in ourselves and to everyone."Values" is love,peace,right conduct,non violence,and truth.